Mesečni arhiv: oktober 2016

Mednarodni kolokvij: Umetnost in estetika v posttranzicijskih razmerah

Slovensko društvo za estetiko v sodelovanju z Alma Mater Europea Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis in The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS)

organizira 44. mednarodni kolokvij z naslovom

Umetnost in estetika v posttranzicijskih razmerah

20.–21. 10. 2016, Kardeljeva ploščad 1, 1000 Ljubljana

S padcem železne zavese leta 1989 je prišlo do korenitih političnih, družbenih in ekonomskih sprememb v nekdaj socialističnih deželah. Na konferenci se želimo posvetiti umetniški produkciji in estetiki v okoliščinah, zaznamovanih s prehodom v pozni kapitalizem. Pri tem nas zanima specifičnost kulture, umetnosti in estetike v evropski regiji, ki je sicer formalno razumljena kot del prvega sveta, a jo zaradi kulturne drugačnosti in ekonomskih specifik prvi svet morda še vedno obravnava kot drugi svet. Zanimata nas tudi umetniška produkcija in estetika v neevropskih deželah, ki so prešle tranzicijo v pozni kapitalizem. Kakšna so razmerja sodobnosti do preteklosti in do drugih kultur? Kako umetnost in estetiko zaznamuje prehod v pozni kapitalizem in kako ju zaznamuje lastna kulturna tradicija? V nekaterih nekdanjih socialističnih deželah je imela kultura posebno mesto v družbenih sferah in je umetnost predstavljala eno redkih okolij, v katerih je bilo možno izražati ideološko nesoglasje. V sodobnosti razmere poznega kapitalizma narekujejo nova razmerja med kapitalom in umetnostjo, ki med drugim usmerjajo vso ustvarjalnost h kreativni ekonomiji. Kaj to pomeni za umetnost, ki si zada nalogo družbene angažiranosti in si prizadeva k prispevanju kritičnih komentarjev oz. intervencij? Kakšna so nova razmerja med umetnostjo in politiko ter med umetnostjo in ideologijo? Kako kulturo, umetnost in estetiko v posttranzicijskih razmerah zaznamuje kultura prvega sveta? Kako opredeliti sodobno umetnost in sodobno estetiko, do katere mere so ustrezne splošne opredelitve, na primer s sklicevanjem na globalizirani svet in aktualne tehnologije, oz. do katere mere je smotrno posebej opredeljevati produkcijo v posttranzicijskih razmerah? Ne nazadnje nad zanima tudi razpravljati, kakšna je recepcija in mesto umetniške produkcije in estetike, distribuirane iz razmer posttranzicije?

Povzetki predavanj in program: Umetnost in estetika v posttranzicijskih razmerah

Programski odbor:

Assoc. prof. dr. Polona Tratnik (president of the committee), Slovenian Society of Aesthetics and Alma Mater Europea Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis
Prof. dr. Curtis Carter, Marquette University, The Philosophy Department
Doc. Dr. Creston Davis, The Global Center for Advanced Studies and Alma Mater Europea Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis
Prof. dr. Lev Kreft, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Prof. dr. Miodrag Šuvaković, University of Arts, Belgrade and Singidunum University, Faculty for Media and Communication

četrtek, 20. oktober / Thursday, October 20

9.45–10.00 otvoritev / Opening
10.00–10.35 Miško Šuvaković, “Art and Aesthetics under Post-Transition: Grey Zones Now and Here”
10.35–11.10 Aleš Erjavec, “Art and Recent Politics of Representation in Eastern Europe”
11.10–11.30 odmor za kavo / Coffee Break
11.30–12.05 Nikola Dedić, “Art After Postsocialist Transition”
12.05–12.40 Creston Davis, “Iron the Curtain and Other Aesthetic Myths”
12.40–14.30 odmor za kosilo / Lunch Break
14.30–15.05 Andreja Hribernik, “Museums and the Political”
15.05–16.40 Darko Štrajn, “Transition in the Balkans’ Cinematography”
16.40–17.15 Jan Babnik, “The Photographic Return to the Real. And the Real Being Rather Impatient”
17.15–17.35 odmor za kavo / Coffee Break
17.35–18.10 Irena Plešivčnik, “Kreativne industrije in trajnostna paradigma”
18.10–18.45 Petra Bole, “Art Jewellery under Post-Transition”

petek, 21. oktober / Friday, October 21

10.00–10.35 Polona Tratnik, “Becoming (m)Other – Maja Smrekar’s Biopolitical Manifesto”
10.35–11.10 Bojana Matejić, “Humanitarianism vs. Dehumanization of Art in the Post-Socialist Spaces of Culture”
11.10–11.30 odmor za kavo / Coffee Break
11.30–12.05 Sebastjan Leban, “Radical Critical Politics/Aesthetics”
12.05–12.40 Lev Kreft, “Squaring the Circle: Troubles with Artivism”
12.40–14.30 odmor za kosilo / Lunch Break
14.30–15.05 Mojca Puncer, “The Case of Participatory Art in Slovenia Under Post-Transition”
15.05–16.40 Tomaž Toporišič, “Post-Transition and the Consequences of the Performative Revolution”
16.40–17.15 Kaja Kraner, “Production of Contemporary Art: Between Cultural Policy and Production of (the Effects of) Truth”
17.15–17.35 odmor za kavo / Coffee Break
17.35–18.10 Gita Zadnikar, “Aesthetics, Art and Movements of Resistance”
18.10–18.45 Pia Brezavšček, Alja Lobnik, “What Becomes of Art After Future Ends? The Example of Rog Factory”
18.45–19.00 zaključek / Closure

Fotografija iz: Ana Raquel S. Hernandes

Sodelovanje na konferenci ESA 2017 v Berlinu

Rok za oddajo prispevkov na konferenci ESA 2017 v Berlinu je 15. januar 2017.

Več informacij lahko najdete spodaj, ostali pozivi pa se nahajajo na tej povezavi.

Call for Papers

European Society for Aesthetics Conference 2017
Berlin (Germany) 25–27 May 2017

Submission deadline: 15th of January 2017

The European Society for Aesthetics would like to invite you to submit a paper for presentation at the ESA Conference 2017. The conference will be co-organised by the ESA and the Institute of Philosophy of the Freie Universität Berlin.

Keynote speakers (to be announced soon)

We are inviting papers from all traditions and on any topic in philosophical aesthetics, and both systematic and historical presentations are acceptable. We encourage the presentation of submissions in English, but submissions in other major European languages will be considered equally. For each talk, there will be time for a 25-minute presentation, with about another 20 minutes designated for discussion. All accepted papers would be eligible for publication in the proceedings of the ESA. (

Submissions must be long abstracts, between 800 and 1.200 words in length, presenting not only the main ideas and claims of the paper, but also the chief considerations and arguments in favour of them. Please notice that full paper submissions will not be accepted and submissions are limited to one per person.

Please use the PDF-file format for submission and render your text completely anonymous, allowing for blind refereeing. To submit your long abstract, please use the EasyChair online submission system (first-time users will be asked to register with EasyChair).

We also encourage all submitters to sign up as members of the ESA (which is free):

The deadline for submissions of papers is the 15th of January 2017, and we aim to inform you about the result of our selection process by mid February 2017.

Further information about the conference, for example the names of the keynotes, will soon be available on ESA website: Please send all your questions to the conference organizers:

ESA Essay Prize

The European Society for Aesthetics is happy to announce the launch of an essay prize for PhD students and early career scholars (max. three years from the doctorate). The prize consists of travel and accommodation stipend of up to 500 euros. The ESA will also award the prize winner’s conference fees and conference dinner. The journal Estetka will publish the winning essay. For more information on the journal please visit:

All submissions to the prize must be in English. First submissions should be made by following the general call of the ESA2017 conference and all submissions will be considered for presentation at the conference. Please place “(Essay Prize)” after the title of your submission in easychair to indicate that you want your submission to be considered for the prize. The selection of the prize winner will be broken down into two stages. After the first round of reviews, selected authors will be asked to submit a full conference paper (max. 3500 words) by the 20th of March. The recipient of the prize will be selected from this group. We aim to announce the winner by the 15th of April. For all enquiries regarding the prize please contact the secretary of the ESA:

fotografija: Flickr/ESA